Nordfab Ductwork System
The world's fastest ducting
ProVent is proud to be a Nordfab distributor. The Quick-Fit™ ducting systems clamp together. No rivets, screws or welding. This cuts your installation and down time by more than 45%, and it’s adaptable to your existing ductwork system.
3D CAD Design and Ductwork Layout Services
We have the ability to design and provide a 3D visual layout of your ductwork system. Our design system can provide you with a bill of materials, installation plan, and a precise quotation. Nordfab's standard Quick-Fit Ducting is known as "The world's fastest Ducting", because it is so simple and quick to assemble.
It Fits Most Applications
Quick-Fit ducting components are adaptable to your existing ductwork system and Quick-Fit has been used in a wide variety of applications, wherever dust collection or fine particulate transfer is required.
It’s Re-useable
Quick-Fit ducting is easy to uninstall and relocate as you move machinery or have other changes in work areas, providing one of the lowest life cycle costs of any ducting product.
It’s Easy to Clean
Quick-Fit ducting is easy to remove and re-install — without tools.
It Has Leak-Tight, Solid Welded Seams on the Duct Pipes
Smooth, fully welded seams prevent leaks, snags, and possible “bug harbors”.
It’s Available in Construction Materials to Fit Your Application
QF ducting is available in Galvanized Steel or Stainless Steel. We can also provide components in other materials such as black metal and 316SS. And we provide extra durable, heavier walled duct.